To keep up with my blogging, I have to have some sort of schedule on paper. As much as I would like to just blog, I must have structure in order to keep my blogs current.
Now, first I must say I think a blog should be updated daily. Two reasons:
-Your readers will come back more often if there is something new every day. Noone wants to visit a blog and see the same thing there every few visits. They’ll give up and stop checking. Let’s face it, you will have a lot of readers who don’t subscribe and will just check in daily. Give them a reason. Also, depending on the ping services you use, everytime you post may be pinging somewhere, adding to your ‘traffic’ as far as Alexa, Google, etc. know. I know everytime I post to my blog, it pings Feedburner.
-Every post helps you drive traffic. In one way, it adds more content to search, more keywords to scan, and more links to check. The bots will come back more frequently when there is alot of fresh content. The larger the site, the larger the footprint, the heavier the site, etc. Search engine bots like frequent postings. Remember, 85% of your traffic will come from web searches. If you are not getting search engine traffic yet, you are only getting 15% of your traffic.
With these things in mind, I offer you my blog schedule. I came up with it by placing ranks for my blog, taking into consideration:
1-Subject Matter
What kind of blog is it? Are the posts typically long ones or link-posts. For instance, a personal development blog will require more work per post than a gadget blog, but a gadget blog will require work more frequently. You may update a gadget blog 3-10 times daily. A personal development blog may only need a post a day.
2-Visitor’s Character
Do most of your readers subscribe? Do most of them visit your page? If you tend to get more subscribers, just reading your feed, you will want to make sure there is something there for them to keep reading. If they are visitors, you may end up taking a different approach.
My Schedule: Blog
updated twice daily
Once after breakfast, once right after my kids go to bed dieting site
updated once daily, at least 3 recipes per section, at least one personal blog post daily
I try to do this one right after breakfast too. Of course, it takes a while (about an hour) so sometimes I will break it up into two seperate times. I group this one in my head with the deals site. They are done around the same time every day. Blog
updated at least once daily
I do this one in the late afternoon or evening. I know this isn’t the newsy-ist time, but that’s when I am most creative, and have the least distractions. Also, this gives me all day while working around the house to kick around my ideas. news and reviews
updated 3-6 times daily
I do a long post here around midnight, if there is something on my mind, relevant to this topic. More often, though, this post get around 5 posts throughout the day as stories break.
Athomemama at PrimeGeekTech Reviews and News
updated 2+ times daily
This one also is usually a reaction to the day’s stories in the gaming and tech world, though this blog is heavier targeted to cell phones. It’s brand new, so I am working this one out as I go along. I may tweak it a little as I go.
So, that’s my schedule. What do you think?
Nice set of schedules. I currently run three blogs:
Frenetic Network
Frenetic Tech
Frenetic Photo
I haven’t quite found my blogging rhythm but it’s nice to find a site that provides a little more detail on their posting schedule.
I’m glad you reminded me of this, I need to update it. I’ve hired some bloggers to take on two of the blogs mentioned and added 5 to that mix for myself, plus a podcasting startup.
Guess I know what my next post will cover 😉