Some Amazing Adsense Integration

While this smooth integration of AdSense may just push the TOS line a bit (images are only supposed to be run beside adsense w/a border or seperator of some sort), but I think it is one of the smartest ways to monetize your site, while retaining it’s value and aesthetic appeal.

adsense integration

adsense integration

Of course, as Teli pointed out, maybe leading clicks to adsense instead of the higher priced affiliate links may not be a smart thing in and of itself. Whatever you decide, the site is amazing. Be sure to check it out.

9 Replies to “Some Amazing Adsense Integration”

  1. While I like the design it appears the site has no content on its own. All it does is redirect to a Google ad provider. Doesn’t TOS specifically say the page has to bear a content for the ad to be placed on it?

  2. While yes, it has great adsense integration, it comes close to where Google looks at it as being deceptive to the user. Google and Yahoo! are both cracking down quickly on using images to increase the CTR and making the content look like ads.

    I may try something of this nature in the future, but I normally stay pretty clear of things that come close to being against the TOS.

  3. I am a TOS abider myself, but I was just blown away by this one. I’m just about to post some bizarre TOS-sketchy forums. This has been an eye opening week for me. 😉

  4. I do think it violates the TOS. But, they might claim the pictures are bordered, just not the way Google intended.

    It’s definitely not something I’d risk doing.

  5. Robyn,
    You’re right, they’re walking the line with the TOS. Chances are, if they’re slick enough to integrate the AdSense that well, they probably know they’re walking a fine line. Then again, someone may have helped them/given them the idea, and they can claim they didn’t know if Google should ever come knocking.

    Great integration, but I’d definitely try to get some affiliate cash from the site instead of sending the traffic away via Google. But, that’s just me. 🙂

    ~ Teli

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