When Is Too Far For MySpace?

Today Photobucket let their users know via their blog that MySpace has removed all Photobucket videos and remixes from their pages (Techmeme). At this point their Photobucket images are still showing up, but that’s just because the MySpace photos are so poorly done that they know they can’t compete on that level.

Back in the day when MySpace began syphoning off users from Friendster, the primary reason that people jumped ship was because Friendster was limiting their expression. This was in the form of deleting cat/dog accounts and hampering their customization as compared to the new MySpace.

Since the NewsCorp acquisition we’ve seen limits like the Photobucket issue many times, and it’s got to be frustrating to MySpace members. At what point will MySpace users jump ship and to what ship will they jump? Is there any value to anyone, other than marketers, to MySpace? If so, I admit I can’t see it.

Most of the friend requests I get nowadays come from Facebook. Is this the ship that just may win the race? I rather hope so…

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