Kweschun Is a Hit


What is Kweschun? Well, even Chris Nolan didn’t say, though he’s overly tired from coding, and probably from playing around with eh list. He promises to post further soon.

My thoughts are:

  • the sign-up process is easy and the movement, on screen (Ruby?) is pretty
  • by clicking on advanced I was able to write a good description for my Kweschun
  • tags (I <3 tags)
  • allows preview because once someone answers your Kweschun, there’s no more editing
  • drag and drop answers (very cool)

Here’s a mash-up of the Canadian election, and there’s a nice sampling of user-createds on the site as well.

My only problem with Kweschun so far is that it’s not the prettiest font/design out there, but I guess that doesn’t really matter. Functionality seems on the mark and I’ll probably add Kweshun to my blog tools. Interesting concept for social users, and aren’t we all social…? I’m going to play with it more and probably post on it later this weekend on the Social Networking blog.

I did go ahead and post a question of my own. Click the screenshot to answer it. I chose to allow others to add their own answers, I may regret that (kinda like the Washington Post huh?). But, I’m a risk taker 😉

Perfect Example of Corporate Blogging – Negative Responses

Major Nelson (of XBox Live!) noticed XBox 360 made The Top Ten WTF Moments of 2005 list at Now, most corporate PR people would:

  1. Ignore it and hope it goes away

    The problem with this method is that yes, it will eventually go away, but it won’t be forgotten. People will remember the negative comment, the lack of notice by the company and will be emboldened to make stronger statements.

    This also lends credibility to the claim. If it were false, the company would have said something, right? I mean, it’s not on a rarely-read site, 1UP is pretty well traveled.

  2. Respond Negatively

    PR people are less likely to do this than employees. When *we* are the one being called out we tend to get angry and defensive. “Well, maybe if we’d had more time to prepare, or more money, or whatever, then it would have been right.”

    Anger is ALWAYS a bad move. Righteous indignation works sometimes, but for the most part, it’s even too harsh.

Major handled it just the way I would have, by humorously pointing out that while they made a ‘bad’ list, they also made a ‘good’ list. He even refers to a geeky IRC direction in the Edit and thanks the tipster in the post.

Oops Hey look …we made number 1 in the 1up “Top Ten WTF Moments of 2005.” I guess that’s not quite the list we’d hope we’d be on. We fared a little better on CNET’S ‘Top 10 Must Have’ list (beaten by the PSP.)

I guess it’s better then not being on any lists at all, huh? We all know that the Core System, or as 1up calls it the “Tard Pack”, is not for everyone…but people must want them since they are also sold out everywhere. By the way, I forgot to mention that we have a third manufacturer (Celestica) coming online in February to help ease the availability pain. Hopefully they’ll won’t be making just Xbox 360 Core Systems. ;)

Thanks to reader Mike-E who pointed the list out

Edit: Hey guys, my comment about the core system was meant with a bit of humor, so please re-read my comment with /humor on.

He couldn’t have handled it better.

Mostly Finished the Blogger to WordPress Install

The script I used was the one on the codex.  I also had help from Skelton’s site and Justinsomniac’s site.  Hopefully all is figured out.  I think I got my feed correct. I’m so glad I’m with feedburner, because it was easy to simply replace the originating atom feed with this new rss feed and leave the url to the feedburner rss feed untouched.

If anyone needs any assistance in this, it really wasn’t that difficult, since these guys above have done all the work for you.  Lemme know if you need a hand.