More Prayers Please

Can I ask for your prayers tomorrow as I learn if my heart condition will require surgery. I have mitral valve prolapse (left valve) and a congenital heart defect called a bicuspid atrium (right side), and these have not bothered me until recently when I began fainting and having chest pain.

I know I sound vain but when I first learned they were considering a valve transplant I was most worried that I would have an ugly scar on my chest at the ripe old age of 32, but as they’ve recently curbed my ability to exercise I’ve gotten more worried about important things like actually surviving the surgery…

I can’t help but be a little scared as I think about Marc today. Worst case scenario I’ll end up with a valve transplant and be on blood thinners for life, but after today, that doesn’t sound so bleak. I thank you in advance for your warm wishes, and I promise to get back to real blogging after this post. I think I’m just a little worried and wanted to reach out to all of you for supports. Hugs.

18 Replies to “More Prayers Please”

  1. Robyn,

    My prayers and heart is with you. My wife has a chronic heart condition that we’ve dealt with ever since we were married.

    There are some support groups that are available for women with heart problems. You can contact me if you are interested.

    Best of luck!

  2. We are praying for good news. We love you and wish we could help more than just praying. Feel free to ship the kids out for safe keeping if you need to.

  3. Hey there Robyn,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    As a double heart valve replacement patient I can relate to what you may going through.

    That said, I was 33 when I had my procedure. It’s two years later… I’m surfing again. I’m scuba diving again. And, I just GOT MARRIED TO AN INCREDIBLE WOMAN NAMED…. ROBYN!!!!


    All the best. Let me know if you need anything.

    Adam Pick, Author of The Patient’s Guide To Heart Valve Surgery
    Adam’s Heart Valve Surgery Blog

  4. We’re all feeling a little mortal these days. No matter what comes your way, life wouldn’t send you something you couldn’t handle and make you a better person.

    Missing you here at Webmaster World – feeling real old skool.


  5. You know I have been and will continue to pray for you. You are my my Grace in Christ and I am so thankful to be your best friend of 13 years and husband of 12.

    You have great success in many areas of life, but I can tell you that you are an inspiration to many. Keep you head up and know that you are loved by me, your kids and many more.

    I know God’s purpose for your life is not closing soon, so I look forward to many, many years of blogging, gaming, comedy, cries and watching our children grow up and us grow old.

    Nothing could please me more than to grow old in your arms knowing that our lives have meant so much to so many and most importantly to Christ.

    Looking into the future, I see many scars, but one on your chest would be nothing like the one in my heart if I lost you. God will prevail, our prayers are not in vain.

    God bless you my love.


    BTW – the Kids have been praying for you a lot today.

  6. I was shocked to read this, and Suzie was when I told her. You are certainly in our prayers and we send loving thoughts for good outcomes.

  7. And there I was feeling sorry for myself- ill since coming back from USA- etc etc and Des read you post to me and was I shocked and realised gratitude was in order – our prayers are with you and also I will talk to the angels for you, if you are okay with that

  8. Robyn,

    We’re praying that you’ll do just fine.

    My wife has had mitral valve prolapse….well, all her life. We found out about it the same way you did – weird fainting.

    We never did find out what triggered it (sometimes it’s just a combination of life factors that goes away), but it hasn’t happeneded again in the last 10 years.

    Let us know how it goes, but we know that you’re in the hands of the Great Healer.


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