At work, we do these status reports and they’ve been helpful keeping everyone briefed in a large org w/o wasting time. I’ve been doing them w/my kids in the afternoons on the way home from school. Their feedback was that we needed another section for complaints. 😉
Grace listed several complaints and I had to keep telling her to stay on track!
Also, note how important food is to them! Each of them included it in their successes…
Cady (12) — The drill sgt got hers out in 2 mins, and then critiqued everyone else’s 😉
- Got 4 desserts on her field trip today
- Spoke her spanish conversations almost perfectly
- Won Battleship game after school
Needs to Improve
- Falls too much (up the stairs today, landed on her butt Tuesday)
- Shy
Burning Issue
- Objects to being put in the front row during gym
Grace (9)
- Everyone liked the presents she made for her friend’s birthday
- Had cake after lunch
- Wrote a song on the piano
Needs to Improve
- Talks too fast (ironically she had to repeat this so we could understand it)
- Doesn’t drink all of her drink at lunch (no idea why she wants to improve this)
Burning Issue
- Struggling w/multiplication
Jacob (7) — I loved how pithy his responses were. All boy…
- Didn’t hit anyone today (I guess this is considered a success… LOL That one really made me laugh)
- Got a perfect score on his quiz
- Enjoyed after school snack (then came promptly home and ate a huge bowl of cereal)
Needs to improve
- Patience
- Running in school
Burning Issue
- None
Ruby (4)
- Enjoyed nap (she never enjoys naptime)
- Ate all of her grapes at lunch
Needs to Improve
- Going to bed without arguing (she got mad at this point and refused to continue—she keeps this up I’m going to have to fire her)