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I’ve been involved in social media since 1998 when I started my own company selling, of all things, cloth diapers. Initially I acted as a reseller, but soon found it was advantageous to create my own prototype and have it manufactured. Using an almost non-existent budget for marketing, I was able to generate solid sales ($28k in the first month), build a loyal fan base and attain expert status for myself in the community.
The success I found in this wacky venture led me to a fun career in consulting for small, and later large businesses on marketing, WOM, viral campaigns, user experience and community management. In time, the list of companies I was working with grew to include Fortune 500, and later Fortune 50 companies. What a fun ride! I’m at Yahoo! now, supporting the community of external developers at the Yahoo! Developer Network.
You can find me all over the web, from twitter (duzins) to Facebook (robyn at My linkedin email is robyn at too. My blogs are and In case you are interested, my totally unprofessional video work can be found partially on YouTube (duzins) and the larger body at Blip ( Otherwise, if you’re curious, you can Google my name or my handle, duzins, to learn more.
Contact Robyn at robyn at or at 510-579-5558 (!no freaks please!).
**Note: The views expressed on this blog do not necessarily represent those of my employer.**