SimpleTicket gets Dugg

simpleticket open-sourceI love to talk open-source because I just love the whole idea behind open collaboration and trusting users enough to ask for their help and ideas to make your product prosper. Now, I’m a capitalist (no doubt), but there’s just enough ‘left’ hidden under my gruff, conservative exterior to really, really appreciate open initiatives.

Alexander Muse sent me a link earlier letting me know about SimpleTicket and it is really, really neat. For businesses that want a ‘simple’ solution to IT trouble tickets, this is a great option.

SimpleTicket was written using Ruby on Rails and has some neat Web 2.0 features like Ajax. In fact, those two items, plus the fact they released the source code, inviting developers to assist them contributed to the fact they recently got dugg to the front page of Digg.

Neat product and even neater presentation. Oh, did I mention they support TAPI (VoIP) and have RSS feeds for your IT department? That is just icing on the cake. 🙂

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