Page Rank Update Underway

I’ve been griping for weeks about my page rank jumping up and down (which usually indicates an update). Duncan at the Blog Herald says it is DEFINITELY underway, even though it wasn’t planned (supposedly) until late March, after Jagger was complete. Great history on SEO updates here.

As of February 18th, there has not been a Toolbar PR export for 122 days. The longest time between toolbar PR exports recorded in the below Page Rank Update List was 111 days.

Anyway, Duncan offers up this tool to view your future page rank:

How Important Is Your URL To Your Search Engine Ranking?

I started this as an answer to Dennis’ comment below, but it was so long I decided to post it.

So, Robyn, are you saying that the URL of your blog and the name of your blog has to incorporate your primary keywords in order to achieve top page rank in Google? Does that mean that with my blog I am destined always to be retrieved by university students studying how a certain fast food company manages itself?

The url is imporant, and can make you rank higher, faster, but notice I am ranked #1 for ‘practical blogging’ and my url is sleepyblogger. Note my title tags are ‘practical blogging’. These are much more important.

Of course, the fact that my blog is titled ‘practical blogging’ as the header (not an image) on the entire blog helps too. It’s one of the first things the bots see, after my title tags.

Your title tags should reflect your content. For a while my title tags said “Practical Blogging | Affiliate Tips” and I ranked on page 1 on google within about 3 months for ‘affiliate tips’ Never made it to #1 on those keywords (much more competitive) but still made in on page 1, so title tags are hugely imporation.

In addition to heavy content, frequent posts, and other html tags, you can rank high pretty fast, if you create an SEO strategy and use it to help you write. links for 2006-02-16

SEO And Blogging

seo bloggingAs I promised Dennis, today we are going to address a common small business complaint, online visibility.

Usually when we talk about online visibility we are talking about search engine optimization, or the process of making your website organically appear in the top results on a search engine.

Today’s focus will actually center on blogging. So, how can blogging help you show up higher in the serps, or Search engine results pages?

Well, large search engines, like Google, MSN, and Yahoo index your content to determine what your site is about. They load the data on your site into their indexes, and then when a searcher enters a particular topic, they look for that word, or words that are commonly found along with that word, within all the sites of their index.

Now, you may have a site that is the most relevant to the searcher, but search engines are also looking for longevity. The number of years you have your site registered for, the number of pages on your site that they have indexed, and the number of quality links pointing to your site, from other ‘quality’ sites all play a factor in the ‘rank’ of your site.

That rank, along with the relevance of your site to the term that was searched will determine your place in the SERPs.

To learn your site’s page rank in Google, you can download the google toolbar or, if you are using Firefox to surf the web, you can also download a plugin from that will allow you to view your google page rank.

Or, to get a view of how your site looks in the top 3 search engines, go to Don’t forget to subscribe to the RSS feed for your search so you can get continual updates on your site’s performance while at the ehlist site.

Now that you understand SEO a bit, let’s look at how blogging improves your results.

1. Blogging gives indexed pages.

A blogger who writes daily will amass 30 or so articles per month. In one year they will have 365 posts or pages, as far as the search engines are concerned. The more pages you have indexed the higher your ranking.

2. Blogging gives you continuous updates.

Everytime you blog, if your blog platform is set-up to auto-ping the search engines, you are sending out an invitation to be ‘crawled’ by the search engines spiders. In other words, the spiders or robots that take your content back to the search engines are going to come to your site to get that content EVERYTIME you post a blog entry.

3. Most importantly, blogging gives you content that is relevant to your keywords and key phrases.

The content that you write will be relevant to your site. If you use the key words and key phrases that describe your site often, you are giving the search engines great clues as to how to classify your site.

Of course, you shouldn’t sacrifice your reader’s enjoyment to ‘look good’ to a search engine bot. Just write naturally yet with a purpose of SEO in mind, and you will end up with posts that are keyword-rich, without sacrificing readability.

Coming up: Article Submission for SEO – Including my charges for article submission and common results achieved.

WIN, TUAW and HackADay Controversy Dies

blogosphere attributionAfter hearing from Jason and Fabienne (the blogger who was accused of link improprieties), I have to conclude that there was indeed an error with either Blogniscient or Technorati.

While I DO believe this was an error and Fabienne was in no way responsible for the issue, there are still bloggers who pretend to link but don’t.

I hope they see the blogosphere’s reaction to this ‘attribution scandal’ and mend their theiving ways. …I’m not holding my breath though.

So, apologies to Jason Calacanis and Fabienne Serriere. Thanks for giving us such a great and rapid response!

Mooble and Me – Flash Social Networking and My Involvement

I totally believe in transparency, as noted elsewhere on this blog, so I wanted to ‘out’ my involvement with Mooble.

I’m the new Marketing Director for, the flash social networking site that is seeing some tremendous pickup since coming out of beta during the holiday season.  I do hope you’ll go check it out.  My mooble url is  Please add me.

I’ll be kicking off their blog and their podcast in the next 2 weeks.  Since the entire thing is flash we’ll be able to do some really cool things with video, stay tuned on that front.

And, I’ll be kicking off a contest next week for marketing ideasWinner gets a free iPod.  Yeah,  I know, it’s tough to imagine getting a free iPod w/o signing your friends up for years of spam-hell, huh…  😉

Anyway, thought I’d make it clear I am now speaking for Mooble.  If you have any suggestions, bug complaints, offers of help or general advice please let me know.

Also, if your blog or blog network thinks we should do some advertising on your site, please email me and let me know.  robyn “at”

Comment Spam Is Killing Me

comment spamI guess I am just getting used to a large amount of traffic because I am fending off more than 100 spam comments every day, and this is a trend that just started this week and is going on almost 4 days now.

Akismet has managed to catch all of them (I think) but the resulting email notify of these comments is making me crazy.

If you are spamming me, please consider the pain you are causing this poor over-worked chick.

TUAW and HackADay Weather Link Controversy

Edited headline: “Are Weblogs Inc Writers Encouraged To Steal?” was the original headline but Jason called me out on the fairness of the headline and he’s probably right. Read my reasoning behind changing the headline below.

blogosphere ethicsFirst, let me say I consider taking someone’s work, rewriting it WITH NO ATTRIBUTION and palming it off as your own original idea as stealing. In the past the blogosphere has agreed.

Now, I just noticed this blog network rant on Scoble’s blog and I’m disheartened to see it:

Seems that if you can get 20 bloggers together into a network you can lock out all others.

From the original source that Weblogs Inc ripped off, jkonTheRun:

Weblogs Inc Linkage Issues

This lead me to the post on TUAW which has been totally edited to credit the source of the story to HackADay, another Weblogs Inc. blog. The link to my story, which is obviously where TUAW found the story to begin with, is gone. Now, HackADay didn’t even run this story, TUAW is just sourcing an emailed tip to HackADay as the new source, but after they had originally posted my article as the source:

[thanks Joseph for emailing the hack a day tip line, posted here with Eliot’s permission]

Bear in mind I am not doubting that Mr. DeRuvo also emailed the story to HackADay, that happens all the time. But for TUAW to edit their original post to remove the true source (which is still cached by Technorati) and change history, that just smells really bad to me. It seems that perhaps Jason Calacanis has driven Weblogs Inc. into an incestuous network of sources, and that can only be bad for the blogosphere he promotes so fiercely.

There is more information on Mr. Kendrik’s blog (including a few more graphics). I suggest you take a look.

I know this is not the first time Weblogs Inc. has been accused of this type of behavior, even though Jason calls out others he percieves as stealing quite vigorously. Weblogs Inc. is a powerful network with some really great writers (though I have a hard time digesting some of their info because of the caustic voice) so I am not really sure why they feel they must do this.

I am hoping that this was not a top-down directive. I’ve respected Jason for a long time and I would hate to know this type of blatant thievery (which is little different than plagiarism) was encouraged for SEO reasons.

Links for 2/8/06

Feedburner admits mistake re: spam
When you have an atmosphere of freedom in your company, inevitably some employees will do things that don’t agree with your philosophy. What do you do? Follow Feedburner’s example here.

RocketBoom’s Auction Still Under Reserve
This just goes to show you traditional marketing gurus don’t “get” the blogosphere and podcasting. You’re talking about 130K viewers DAILY, all very, very tightly targeted… 5 spots AND RocketBoom will design the ads (in fact, you CAN’T design them, so you CAN’T screw them up… podcast EXPERTS are making them). This auction is for 5 ads (a week’s worth of RocketBoom) and is only at $15k? I think the $15K is more representative of one episode rather than 5. Maybe that’s what they’ll do with the winner since the reserve is not met?

Podcast Marketing
Podcasts are Radio 2.0? Not unless we really, really screw it up!

Meme Comparison
How better to get a pulse of the blogosphere? This list gives you a good idea of what’s out there. I concur that Memeorandum is best, but I do like Tailrank as a close second. Technorati’s Kitchen is pretty Hawt too. Haven’t used Topix, but it’s not for lack of buzz LOL